
values, telling

authentic stories.

We are an international body of designers and creatives telling beautiful and purposeful stories of Christian organizations, and businesses transforming communities around the world.

Isaac Musaasizi

Edmonton, Canada
Isaac is passionate about purpose-filled art and creativity as a means to life transformation and telling better stories. He has served in missions globally and now guiding our operations to serve saints and support their visions.

Michael Prins

PARTNER and Creative Director
The Netherlands / Bali, Indonesia
Michael is a multidisciplinary designer and has a rare visual acuity for art and creativity. He has served in missions globally for over a decade and now uses his unique gift to guide us creatively as we serve saints and support their visions.

Our Values

Excellence, not Perfectionism

We value the process as much as the outcome. We think outside the box, we are flexible, embrace learning opportunities and pursue high standards of creativity and innovation while remaining centered on service.

not Greed

Creating generously and being a part of changing lives through giving. A portion of our annual generated profit is donated to an organization, around the world to support their work.

Partnership, not Competition

We achieve more together than on our own. We pursue a culture of partnership and community with both our team and our clients. We create space for different talents and skills to flourish, while working towards goals together.
OPen Project